In the middle of a game round, with the timer running down and the player already having lost one life.


  • Unity
  • C#
  • Figma

My first experience with Unity and game dev, RCW is an endless minigame about matching the right colors and words together.

Duck and Goose are at the very beginning on the same platform, attempting to get to the lemonade stand on their right.


  • Unity
  • C#
  • Figma

duk an goos clim montan. A stress-inducing two player game made in 24 hours for UPGRADE's Spring 2024 Game Jam.

Player is midgame on round 4 with 6 enemies left, and has the assault rifle selected.


  • Unity
  • C#

2D top-down roguelite shooter made with friends in 24 hours for UPGRADE's Fall 2023 Game Jam.

Player is fighting three other visible tank enemies on the screen. They've ricocheted two bullets and are about to be hit.

Tanks (Demo)

  • Unity
  • C#
  • HLSL

Game prototype made by the UPGRADE team across the span of a month. Heavily inspired by "Tanks!" from Wii Play.